I’d wish Kaci a happy birthday but I have a better idea

When we adopted Kaci the papers listed her birthday as February 30, 2012. This got me to thinking. I’m coming up on my 12th birthday and that’s bad. Remember my post:

A Fabulous Food Find!

and the food that would never go bad because the expiration date would never come

Now look at it from Kaci’s point of view. She’ll miss out on birthday festivities but she’ll never grow old. My peeps didn’t raise a dumb terrier. All I have to do is scrape up a new birth certificate. I can do that!

SAM_1130Thanks, Kaci, for the idea and now we’re both going to live forever.


About Kismet

I'm a 16 year old Indian Ringneck parrot curmudgeon in New River, Arizona in the wild west country. If you're a sunflower seed, you're dinner.

38 comments on “I’d wish Kaci a happy birthday but I have a better idea

  1. That’s genius!! Great thinkin Kyla!!

  2. Can’t believe anyone actually put February 30!!!!!! But then, someone said the other day they tried to order half dozen McNuggets at McDonald’s and were told they were only sold in 3s, 6s, or 12s.

    Tell Kaci our birthdays sometimes last a week or so, so she doesn’t have to miss out. Your 12th should last ALL MONTH…just sayin’.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  3. That’s pure genius , Scotties certainly have all the brain BOL..Laughing at Bella and Roxy with the McNuggets .. xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. Oh I remember the eternal coconut milk :o) But I like your idea, that’s super-smart, much better than my mom’s pitiful try to fake her id-card before she turned 30 :o)

    • Humans are amazing. At the start, they try to fake ID to appear older so they can frequent drinking establishments. Later, they try to fake being younger. Be consistent, human.

      • Kyla that’s exactly the point. First she wore her mommas high heels and tons of make up to watch a 14 film at the movies. ( unsuccessful) Now she buys mud in buckets for a fortune to look younger and she tried to fake her id (also unsuccessful). Humans are crazy animals…

  5. WOW!!!! You’ve figured it out! But of course!!! I’m tawdling off to change my birth certificate… WOOOO



  6. March 32nd? Kaci says “thanks, Stu”.

  7. july 32 is a beautiful day indeed ;-P

  8. ā™Ŗā™ŖHappy Birthday to you,ā™Ŗā™Ŗ
    ā™Ŗā™ŖHappy Birthday to you,ā™Ŗā™Ŗ
    ā™Ŗā™ŖHappy Birthday Dear Kaci,ā™Ŗā™Ŗ
    ā™Ŗā™ŖHappy Birthday to you.ā™Ŗā™Ŗ

  9. That is the most fabulous idea. Happy Birthday Dear Kaci. We all hope you have the best birthday. Hope you have some good ideas for birthday treats. Sid and Shelby will be celebrating next month.

  10. Well if it works for you go for it! Kaci Happy Happy Birthday on you nonexistent day!
    Sweet William The Scot

  11. So, this means no surprise party, no cake, no special dinner, no treats and NO BEER!
    Well anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY KACI! Bet it was Aliens took your day away! What ding Bats!

    The Mad Scots

  12. Brilliant gurls!!! I likes it!
    I wants to wish you a non-existent Happy Burthday Kaci!!
    I’ll bring you some margaritas!! since you are ageless, who can say your not old enough!!! hehehe
    Ruby ā™„

  13. Happy early birthday Kaci. I wanted to go ahead wish you happy birthday since I will be out of town on February 30th hehehe.

    Aroo to you,

  14. Kyla I think you’re on to something!

  15. I read your post and started singing “Fame, I’m gonna live forever…” Ugh. I can’t make it stop. I love how your Scottie brain works!

  16. You are one smart girl Kyla!!!! We wish Kaci a very Happy early Birthday!!!!

  17. Kyla you are one of a kind! :p

  18. THAT is your brightest idea yet, Kyla. I’ll be surprised if you’re not glowing.

  19. […] Donna came with her birth-date written wrongly on her vet records, but she can’t beat theseĀ Scotties that will never grow old again […]

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