You won’t catch me up there.

Here in the Southwest part of the US, a lot of people love hot air ballooning. Occasionally, some get really close to the ground and our house.

balloon1This was taken a couple of years ago from our house. Most of the time they’re far away in the sunset

SAM_1143SAM_1144I don’t do water and I don’t do heights, no way, no how.



About Kismet

I'm a 16 year old Indian Ringneck parrot curmudgeon in New River, Arizona in the wild west country. If you're a sunflower seed, you're dinner.

35 comments on “You won’t catch me up there.

  1. What if you had a big ballon in the shape of a gaint Scottie?
    Arooooooooooo Let the fun begin.

  2. Think I’m with you, I rather dig a tunnel :o) But they look not bad and your sunset is great. Our sunsets are not as beautiful as yours. Its more: outen the lights! and that’s all :o)

  3. I’m with you on these. I don’t do heights either, but I do go boating. A. Lot.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  4. I can’t help but think you and Roxy the traveling dog are geographically near to each other.. I see similar pictures of yellow flowers and cactus and now hot air balloons! That first one reminded me of the wicked witch in Wicked 😉 It looks like you get pretty sunsets against a wide horizon there 😉 Should be open to thing 😉

  5. I am so with you, I hate anything like that. I like my feet firmly on the ground xxxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. I’ve done it! It was so gentle and peaceful. But you won’t catch me skydiving!

  7. i was brought up to believe in terra firma. I live by it to this day.

  8. SHE doesn’t do heights…and thinks landing amongst cactus is just asking for trouble.

    That second picture almost looks like musical notes…BOL!

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  9. We love to watch hot air balloons. We use to see a lot of them, but the last few years not many. One use to have the face of Abraham Lincoln on it. Well one year in the evening this sound kept getting louder and louder, Lee thought something was wrong with the AC. She stepped out on the porch to be greeted by a heavy rope dangling from the tree. The hot air balloon had gotten caught in our 67 year old giant oak tree.
    Sweet William The Scot

  10. You ain’t kidding sista. No way.

  11. It’s liberating in a sense because the air is one of the few places where humans and dogs are on equal footing; both are completely helpless when it comes to flying. Pretty pictures, I used to see a lot of those in Colorado.

  12. That balloon looks awfully close to those cacti…just sayin’
    Wally & Sammy

  13. If you can see the faces, that’s too close for comfort, right? They do look pretty from far away.

  14. You and me both, Kyla! I wouldn’t get in one of things!

  15. Must be incredible to see

  16. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to you three dogs and that is no blarney.
    Sweet William The Scot

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