Gone, but not forgotten

She would have been 14 today. Gone too soon.


About Kismet

I'm a 16 year old Indian Ringneck parrot curmudgeon in New River, Arizona in the wild west country. If you're a sunflower seed, you're dinner.

41 comments on “Gone, but not forgotten

  1. I know this pain. Our Little Bit went to the bridge right before her 13th birthday last October. 😦

  2. We three are sure she will remain forever in your heart.

  3. This year as always I remembered the days I lost my last two Scots February 24, 1994 and April 2, 2009. I think the April 2 had to be one of the hardest days I ever had. I would rate it harder than my fathers suicide. My Half Pence was totally devoted and counted on me and he wanted to stay so bad trusting I could fix him. He was in so much pain.
    But darn I forgot Sugar Billy’s birthday. And considering we both have July birthdays like how did that happen.
    Lee & Wills

  4. Aw, so sad. We don’t remember death dates – it makes us too sad. Except for my grandma’s, cause she died on my mom’s birthday.

  5. Big hugs to y’all. Whitley woulda been 14 in September.

  6. Happy birthday angel Kyla. She really was a one of a kind. I’m sending you a big Scottie lick wet beard and all.

    Aroo to you,

  7. She will never be forgotten in this house. We see her on a daily basis on her license plate and will remember her as one of our first friends. RIP sweet girl.

  8. I send my gentle (((hugs))) our hearts know your sadness..our Forrests 13th birthday approaches the first birthday since he left us 3 months ago..there are no words we can say that will lessen the hurt for you..words have not been invented to describe this pain..xxx Fozziemum

  9. Happy birthday to Kyla girl. We know how much she’s missed….and the great memories she and Kenzie left for you.

  10. Thank you for sharing Kyla with us. It made us smile to see her picture today. It is so hard to not have a family member around – especially when you forget for a moment and think they’re still supposed to be there…and then you remember. Luckily, they are always in your heart!

  11. Those who leave us are ALWAYS on our minds and forever in our hearts………sending all of you a HUG……

    Love, Sammy

  12. We know she will stay in your heart forever. stella rose

  13. So sorry for your loss. I hope all your sweet tender memories provide you with a small amount of comfort till you are all reunited at the Bridge.

    • Thanks. We choose to celebrate her on the happy occasions like b’day and gotcha day. We remember the day she left us but not as much as the happy times.

  14. Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl. Gone way too soon. What a friend. As you are.

  15. Sorry for your loss. It is always tough when you lose someone that you have had a while.

  16. Ohhhh, just came across this post. Sending a {{hug}} Kyla was bigger than life.

  17. Can’t believe this anniversary has come around already,Next year I think we should have a party for her with Beans 🙂 xx Speedy

  18. May all of the happy memories bring you some comfort this weekend and forever.

    Abby Lab and the Johnson’s in Chicago

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